They live and work in your town. In fact, they may be members of your country’s government. But they’re not who, or what, they appear to be. We’ll unseal the truth about these aliens among us and tell you who has come in peace…and who has a far more sinister purpose in mind.

(From bibliotecapleyades.net) After all these years of research we have compiled these major facts about Aliens on Earth.

Alien crafts from other worlds have crashed on Earth.

Alien crafts are from both Ultra-Dimensional sources and sources within this Dimension.

Early U.S. Government efforts at acquiring technologies were successful.

The U.S. Government has had live Alien hostages at some point in time.

The U.S. Government has conducted autopsies on Alien cadavers.

U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Security Agencies are involved in the cover-up of facts pertaining to the situation.

People have been and are currently being abducted, mutilated, murdered and kidnapped as a result of the UFO situation.

There is a current Alien presence on this planet among us that controls different elements of our society.

Alien forces maintain bases on Earth and on the Moon.

The U.S. Government has had a working relationship with Alien Forces for some time, with the express purpose of gaining technology in gravitational propulsion, beam weaponry and mind control.

Millions of cattle have been killed in the process of acquiring biological materials. Both Aliens and the U.S. Government are responsible for mutilations, but for different reasons.

We live in a multi-dimensional world that is overlapped and visited by Aliens/Entities from other dimensions. Many of those entities are hostile, and many are not hostile.

The basis for our genetic development and religions lies in intervention by non-terrestrial and terrestrial forces.

The truth about our actual technology far exceeds that perceived by the Public.

The United States Space program of today is a cover operation that exists for public relations purposes.

People are being actively killed in order to suppress the facts about the situation. The CIA and the NSA are involved so deeply that exposure would cause collapse of their overt structure.

Facts indicate Alien presence with in 5 to 10 thousand years.

Our civilization is one of many that have existed in the last billion years, «Milky Way time period»

Alien Psychology

The Metagene factor


By Robert T. Woodworth, U .S. A

The Courier, Baltimore, Maryland (The Kingdom Digest April 1978)

A hymn by Timothy Dwight in our hymnal goes:

«I love Thy Kingdom Lord,
The house of Thine abode,
The church our blest Redeemer saved
With His own precious blood»

It is a common error to equate the kingdom of God with the church. The church is the Body of Christ, made up of believers. It is not temporal nor material, but spiritual and eternal. The Kingdom of God is the application of a heavenly principle to human government on earth. The kingdom is political and geographical. It is comprised of a people, a place and a king. God’s kingdom will come on earth when God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven. Christians have been taught to pray for this for 2000 years. (Matthew 6:10). Like the New Jerusalem, the Holy City, God’s kingdom is to come down from God out of heaven. (Revelation 21:2 & 10).

Heaven is where God is. The song-writer was right when he wrote, «Where Jesus is, ‘tis heaven there.» Heaven is the spiritual realm of God, but not the material
abode of the godly. Unlike the kingdom, heaven has no physical, material, geographical or political entity. Nowhere in the Bible does it ever say that when we die, we go to heaven. The kingdom of God is not heaven. The kingdom of heaven is not in heaven. The heavenly kingdom is composed of an earthly realm and earthly people living by heavenly or divine principles.

The Kingdom of God (or heaven) was the most important subject of Christ’s earthly ministry. John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness saying,

«Repent ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand»– (Matthew 3:2)

When Jesus began to preach, He started with the same basic premise:

«Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand» – (Matthew 4:17)

And the kingdom of heaven is synonymous with the «kingdom of God» (as in Mark 1:14 & 15, 4:11, 9:1 & 47, 10:14 & 15, 23 -25, 12:34,14: 25,15: 43, Luke 8:10,12: 31,10:9,11:20,18:24). Where Matthew uses the term «kingdom of heaven» Mark, Luke and John use «kingdom of God»: Both terms refer constantly to a literal, material, geographical, physical, political, earthly realm containing good and bad elements and people destined to be cleansed, purged, purified and perfected into an ideal, plentiful, peaceful, glorious place for God’s redeemed people under their Redeemer and King!

To equate this kingdom with the church or with heaven is to distort the Scriptures. The principles of this kingdom are spiritual, but the application of these ethereal principles to the earthly realm is very practical and powerful. The Companion Bible (Appendices 112,113, 114) contains some useful outlines to show the Scriptural distinction between the kingdom and the church. There are seven terms used to refer to this kingdom in the Bible and none of them refer to the church, the spiritual body of Christ.

One, «kingdom of heaven» is used only in Matthew 32 times, and whenever a parallel passage is found in another Gospel, the «kingdom of God» is used.

Two, «Kingdom of God» as used by the Gospel writers refers always to God’s sovereignty over all, His universal moral rule, from the beginning and without end.

Three, «Kingdom of the Father» (as in Matthew13:43 in the parables of the kingdom) relates to the rule of the righteous in the cleansing of the kingdom from impurities and offences.

Four, «Kingdom of His dear Son» is the Apostle Paul’s reference to the sovereignty of Christ as Creator over His creation and creatures (Ephesians l:10, 20, 5:5, and Colossians 1:13)

Five, «Kingdom of the Son of Man» describes the coming kingdom of Christ (Matthew 16:28) on the throne of David (Isaiah 9:7) for redeemed Israel forever (Daniel 7:13-14, 18, 22)

Six, «Everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ» is Peter’s term for the outward display of Christ’s glorious reign at His second coming which could be inwardly anticipated and experienced now (II Peter 1:11). Christ gave the keys or secret of this kingdom to Peter (Matthew 16:19)

Seven, finally the «Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ» is used in Revelation 11:15 to portray prophetically the wonderful rule of the King of kings over the kingdoms of the world.

The Companion Bible Study Helps also lists these ten scriptural reasons why the kingdom of God cannot be equal to the church of Christ.

One, the subjects or citizens of the kingdom are called «heirs» to whom the Father gives the kingdom (James 2:5, Matthew 25:34, Luke 12:32). Nothing like this is said of the church. The members of the church are not heirs of the church; they are not given a church.

Two, Jesus said His disciples were to «receive the kingdom» (Luke 19:12) and be «appointed a kingdom» (Luke 22:29). This is never said of the church which belongs to Christ, the Head.

Three, the church’s officers and ministers are called pastors, elders, deacons, or teachers. (Ephesians 4:11, Acts 14:23, James 5:14, l Timothy 3:8-12). None of these terms are used of officials in the kingdom.

Four, the Greek «basileia» is translated to «kingdom» only four times in the plural, while the Greek word «ekklesia» is translated «church» 115 times and 36 times in the plural. There is no crossing over of meanings in these translations.

Five, Jesus speaks of the «children of the kingdom» (Matthew 13:38, 8:12). He never mentions the children of the church.

Six, the names of the church are never used of the kingdom: His Body (Ephesians l :23), Building, holy temple (2:21), one body, one Spirit (4:4),«members of His body, His flesh, His bones» (5:30), «House of God» (1 Timothy 3:15)

Seven, «Partakers of the heavenly calling» is a privilege of the members of the church (Hebrews 3:1), but the «saints» are to rule and reign with Christ over His kingdom (Daniel 7:18,22,27). They «take» the kingdom and «possess» it (Revelation 5:10, 20:4, 6).No such thing ever occurs in the church.

Eight, the church is now here on earth awaiting a heavenly call (Philippians 3:11, 14).The kingdom is not here yet but awaiting the King from heaven (Hebrews 2:8).(Note: It is here but not operative).

Nine, the church is a secret, a mystery hidden until the time it is to be revealed (Romans 16:25, Ephesians 3:9, Colossians 1:26).The Kingdom is the subject of much prophecy and many parables, (Matthew 13: 2, 31, 33, 45, 47) revealed to the disciples of Christ (v.13-14).

Ten, the characteristics are different:

Christ is king Christ is head
Saints are citizens Member of body
Geographical place Universal
Physical Spiritual
Govemed by laws Covered by a creed
Contains good and bad Righteous only
Imperfect at first Perfect, holy
To be cleansed by blood Clean by His blood
Conducts warfare Condition of peace

The church is sanctified by the Word, and without spot or wrinkle or blemish (Ephesians 5:26,27).

The kingdom is infiltrated by the devil, contains weeds who are children of the wicked (Matthew 13:38,39). The kingdom is to be cleansed and the wicked and
offensive things removed (13: 41, 47-50).

Jesus told us to seek first this kingdom of God and other things would follow (Luke 12:31). Remember that the kingdoms of this world are to become the kingdom
of our Lord Jesus Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever (Revelation 11:15).The good news that proclaims the coming of the King and His kingdom is called the gospel of the kingdom (Matthew 4:23, 9:35). But the kingdom of God is not the church.



One of the most deceptive beliefs of modern Christianity is that people go to heaven at the moment of death. The Bible simply does not teach this doctrine, rather the goal is always the kingdom of God which one enters (on earth) through resurrection on the last day (when Jesus comes back). The problem with the heaven-at-death idea is that it stands out in front of the kingdom idea, effectively eclipsing it. One might say, “yeah, that sounds interesting that we will eventually be on earth, but what really matters to me is that I go to heaven when I die.” The heaven hope shifts our focus from this world to another place. Rather than yearning for the day when God sets this world right, we instead fall into an “escapist” mentality, believing that we’ll get taken out of here. After all, “This world is not my home, I’m just a-passing through.” Jesus simply did not talk like this at all. He was concerned about the poor, the outcasts, the lame, the lepers, the afflicted, marginalized, the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He did not promise them that at death they would enter “heavenly glory.” No! Jesus promised that they would inherit the earth, they would possess the very kingdom of God, they would finally gain mercy, comfort, and would be called the children of God. The gospel is good news because God is going to act through Christ on the last day to make everything wrong with the world right. I found the following quote about heaven to be quite encouraging:

Jesus Before Christianity

by Albert Nolan, pages 57-58, 1992

The gospel or good news which Jesus brought to the poor and the oppressed was a prophecy. He prophesied a future event which would be a blessing to the poor. This event was not merely the coming of God’s “kingdom” but the coming of God’s “kingdom” for the poor and the oppressed. “Yours is the kingdom of God” (Lk 6:20).

Jesus’ basic prophecy is contained in those passages of the gospel which we call the beatitudes:

     Blessed are the poor
     because yours is the kingdom of God.
     Blessed are you who are hungry now
     because you shall be satisfied.
     Blessed are you who weep now
     because you shall laugh.
(Lk 6:20-21)

…If great hopes for the future were awakened in the poor by Jesus’ activity, even greater hopes must have been awakened by his prophetic words. But these hopes had originally nothing whatsoever to do with heaven–at least not as a place of happiness and rewards in the after-life. Heaven in the time of Jesus was a synonym for God. The “kingdom” of heaven means the “kingdom” of God. Having rewards or treasures in heaven means being in the good books of God. Literally heaven was the sky, the place where God and all other spirits dwell. All dead people go into sheol, i.e., the underworld or the grave. Even those who believed in rewards and punishments in the after-life (before the general resurrection) pictured this as something that happened in two different departments of sheol. The virtuous were in the bosom of Abraham in sheol, and a great chasm separated them from the wicked, who were in another part of sheol (compare Lk 16:23-26). The Christian belief in heaven originated after the death of Jesus with the idea that he had been taken up into heaven or exalted to the right hand of God.

But the good news of the “kingdom” of God was news about a future state of affairs on earth when the poor would no longer be poor, the hungry would be satisfied and the oppressed would no longer be miserable. To say “Thy kingdom come” is the same as saying “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt 6:10 par).